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Ormeau Runners Events Calendar and Club Championship 2018


What is it?

A calendar of running events, challengers, and social events. We have added in an extra fun factor and opened up our very own Ormeau Runners Club Championships. The purpose is to inform members on events for the year while encouraging Ormeau Runners to participate in races and social events while earning points while you run and volunteer.

The club championship is based solely on participation and irrelevant of speed and finish positions.


There is also a big focus on free runs and social events. We also wanted to include a choice each Month to suit everyone’s distances and events. Use the calendar to save dates and plan ahead :) 



What’s up for Grabs ?

The King or Queen of Ormeau Runners will win Running Goodies at our Annual Christmas Party Plus the Title of King or Queen of Ormeau Runners for the Next Year.


Who can enter?

The Ormeau Runners Calendar and Members Championship is open to all Members, Everyone has Equal Opportunity to partake and earn points.  The table will run from January to December.



How are points Scored?

The points are irrelevant of pace and points are accumulated in participating in Runs , Races, Challenges & Social Events and Volunteering. Extra points will be given based on those races that Ormeau Runners picked as their top runs to attend for 2018.

Points can only be earned on events that have previously been stipulated as part of the Club Championship. Points must be claimed within 1 Month or they will be lost.



How do I Claim my points?

Make sure you lets us know when you partake in any stipulated events, don’t take it for granted we know. A simple Facebook post in the member’s page would suffice, that way we can check the results for that race or run and allocate you your points, well take an attendance register at Ormeau runners social events and challenges and allocate points. Parkrun points will be allocated from the Ormeau Runners parkrun club consolidated run reports.



How is a King or Queen decided?

Its easy the person who has accumulated the most points across all events at the end of the year is Crowned the club King or Queen for that year. 


Bonus points

Extra points will be given for Official OR`s Social Runs, Challenges, Events and pop up events.


Parkrun Points

Run parkrun = 1 pts (Up to a Maximum of 20 points per Year)

Volunteer parkrun = 2 pts (Up to a Maximum of 30 points per Year)


**To claim parkrun point`s participant must register Ormeau Runners as their parkrun club, a total of a possible 50 parkrun points are available.  If participants do not register Ormeau Runners as their parkrun club, the responsibility sits with the participant to inform the organisers that they wish to claim parkrun points, providing full information.**


The parkrun flash mob events are additional points that can be earned.


Polled Races

OR`s will produce a Monthly Race Poll on our Members Facebook page, the purpose of the poll is to a low members the option to vote in an additional race for each month that will be added into the OR`s Run Calendar and Club Championship. 






Ormeau Runners Flash Mob parkrun: Waterworks parkrun - 27/01/2018 - (4 points)



Dune Half Marathon: 11/02/2018 - (5 points)  -

Castleward Trail Races: 17/02/2018 - (6 points) - 4.2 mile & 8.4 mile Races -

Coaches Challenge Run:  24/02/2018 - (3 Points) - Endurance Challenge – Get Train out to Starting Point – Run back to finish point and finish in the Bar for socials  - Meeting 12.30pm at Ozone. More details to follow.

OR`s Polled Race: Date to be Confirmed - (5 Points) - Part of the OR`s Monthly Polled Race Series



Carlingford 10k & Half Marathon: 03/03/2018 - (6 points) -  - Half and 10k Options

OR`s Polled Race: Date to be Confirmed - (5 Points) Part of the OR`s Monthly Polled Race Series

Craic 10K: 17/03/2018 - (8 points)  -Fun 10k Run in Belfast & Social Drinks After J - -  

Larne Half Marathon:  - 24/03/2018 (6 points) -



Omagh Half Marathon:  07/04/2018 (5 points)  -

Ormeau Runners Training Weekend: 13 – 15/04/2018 - Training Weekend in Newcastle – Staying at YMCA in Mournes, Running, Hiking and Socials, Friday 6pm – Sunday 2pm - £60 for accommodation.

Castlewellan parkrun: 14/04/2018 (4 points) -Ormeau Runners Flashmob parkrun

Antrim Parkrun - 28/04/2018 (4 p0ints) - Ormeau Runners Flashmob parkrun

OR`s Polled Race: Date to be Confirmed - (5 Points) Part of the OR`s Monthly



Belfast Marathon Relays: 07/05/2018 - (10 points) -Please see Ormeau Runners Leadership Group for Entry

Belfast Marathon Full: 07/05/2018 - (15 points) -

Les Jones 10k: 18/05/2018 - (5 points) - - Super friday night 10k Run starting and finishing at Mary Peters track.

Ballybean 5K: Date to be confirmed (4 points)

Forest Side 5K: Thursday 31st May 6.30pm Ormeau Park - (5 Points



Coaches Challenge Run: Friday 01/06/2018 - (3 points) - Endurance Challenge – OR`s Snakes & Ladders Session -  Stormont Estate - Meeting at Front Gates.  Lead by Greg Rainey & Mary Boyd.

Comber 10k: 29/06/2018 - 7.30pm (Friday) (7 points) - This is one of our Big Promoted Events to attend – Extra Points to be had - Enter online at Athletics NI

OR`s Inaugural Club Race & BBQ: 30/06/2018 - (10 points) - Inaugural Club 5k Race – Handicap Race based on best 5k time. Everyone has equal opportunity to come out on top – followed by BBQ and Drinks.

The winner of the Handicap Race will win an Extra 10 pts plus trophy and title of OR`s Club Race Winner for that Year.



5to10k Graduation Race- Weekend of 07/07/2018. 10k race with possible bus run. Details to follow,.

Sea to Sky 10k: 13/07/2018 - (7 Points)  - This is one of our Big Promoted Events to attend – Extra points to be had, Lovely scenic trail race is Newcastle Co.Down 

Portaferry 10: Date to be confirmed - (5 Points) - 10 Mile Run on During the week in Portaferry



Lecale Way 10K: 11/08/2018 - (5 points) - Great Scenic Run in Co Down Coast Line, taking in sections running across the beach.

Dambusters 10k/Half:  18/08/2018 -  (6 Points) - Great Scenic run in the middle of the Mournes -

Portrush parkrun: Date to be confirmed - (5 Points) - Train upto portrush - Run parkrun - Lunch - followed by Social Drinks and Train back :)



Ormeau Runners Divis Run 5k/5 Mile & 10K: 01/09/2018 - (10 Points) - Ormeau Runners 3rd Birthday, Back where it all started at the Top of Belfast. Presceco & Cake encouraged J Lets paint the Mountain Neon Green

Causeway Coast 10K/Half:  22/09/2018 - (8 Points) - OR`s Bus Run to Causeway, Great 10k & Half Marathon Options -  

Belfast Half Marathon:  23/09/2018 - (8 Points) -



GR8 Dundrum: 20/10/2018 - (10 Points) - One of our big Quarterly Race Events

Charity Race to be Confirmed: Date to be Confirmed (6 Points)



Tullymore 10k/Half:  10/11/2018: (8 Points) - 



Ormeau Runners Christmas Bonanza Run: 08/12/2018 - (15 Points) Ormeau Runners Christmas Bonanza, Best Run and Craic of the Year

Ormeau Runners Christmas Party: 15/12/2018:  Christmas Festivities Ormeau Runners Style – Annual Points Table Winner will be Revealed :) 


**Please check regularly with Ormeau Runners Facebook Members page for regular updates :) 


Ormeau Runners Championship Table 2018 



Points will be updated after every round of runs as advertised in Club Calendar and Championship section. 


Please click on the PDF below for updated championship table. 


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